Project Details


Trusted Client, Technology industry


Cyber Security Services


December 12, 2016

Project Budget


Project length

9 months

Security Parner &

Vendor Management


An organisation within Technology services industry needed an Partner and Vendor Program implementated for the In-house services offered to clients. The project was part of the management of the Cybersecurity Services to establish a program to select and create a co-working program by combining a variety of products and software components together with services the Vendor was responsible for for providing and set up client dedicated service and support management.


The overall amount of security services and vendors on the market with various offering cyber security service as a partnership is enormously. Main challenge was to identify the partners and vendors supplying the right software and services that provided added value to the already established service the organisation had. 



In order to ensure a successful partner and Vendor program, the project needed to perform a bench-marketing och current potential partners and vendors from a Global data bank of potential firms. 

With the bench-marketing result as a base, each identified partner/vendor was contacted with letter of Interest-approach asking the selected firms to provide a solution proposal of products and services to rule out unrelevent security services. 

For selected partner/vendors the process continued with contract negotiations and set up of business approach for go-to-market.



The project enabled new products and services as a supplementary to the already existing services, adding value to both new and existing business opportunities.

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